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Webstep ASA: Long-Term Incentive Program grant of share options to primary insiders


Oslo, 25 November 2021: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by Webstep ASA (the "Company") earlier today, on 25 November 2021, regarding the board of directors' resolution to grant share options to certain members of the Company's executive management and other leaders in the group under the Company's long-term incentive programme.

The following primary insiders of the Company have today, on 25 November 2021, been granted share options with an exercise price of NOK 36.6.

Arnt Roger Aasen, Director Internal Communications and Marketing, has been granted 25,000 options.

Carl Olof Jakob Cardell, VD Sweden, has been granted 50,000 options.

Dagfinn Haslebrekk, Regional Manager Trondheim, has been granted 50,000 options.

Geir Jåthun Hindenes, Regional Manager Stavanger, has been granted 50,000 options.

Joar Krohn, Regional Manager Bergen, has been granted 50,000 options.

Liv Annike Kverneland, CFO, has been granted 50,000 options.

Otto Backer Solberg, Communication Director, has been granted 25,000 options.

Save Asmervik, CEO, has been granted 100,000 options.

Terje Orvedal, Regional Manager Oslo, has been granted 50,000 options.

Reference is made to the attached notifications of trading for further details.

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